Voice: Red Turnip, Unnoticed Float, Crown On by Catherine Blauvelt

Voice: Red Turnip, Unnoticed Float, Crown On

a wet bob, an occasion for weeding
the tops of waves, Styrofoam plates, say
hello. She gathers I love how it looks
her voice moved like wet hair. Sky built of wind
now is gone, and then go my limbs: Youth Pops.

Sudden the bud; in example I’m dead 
counting pebbles the rabbit stays by me
and eats. Have this enormous invisible.
Take and then breathe out wants out: two rabbits
bud long summers. Did I ask her? Without 
saying it, have. A leg settles in
a delicate god. A maple tree 
finds its way in a flower pot, finds
its parentheses drink until wood wilts.